
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Introducing Kate!

As per my previous blog post where I promised to introduce our wonderful team to you and it seems only fitting that we start with Kate.

We begin our series with Kate for a couple of reasons:

1.  I've known her since she was a teenager
2.  She's been part of our team since 2010

When I asked the team to write a short paragraph bio and get it to me, Kate took those instructions literally.  Here's how she describes herself:

Born in Wisconsin. Raised in Texas. 
Sassy. Fun. Loud. I enjoy repurposing old furniture and painting it fun bright colors. 

LOVES in no particular order Dogs. Summer weekends on Bone Lake. S'Mores.  Grey football t-shirts. Naps in hammocks. Coffee. 80s music. Books. Travel. And FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL!! 

Kate in 2010 when she agreed to work Sundays for us
Where Kate hangs out on Bone Lake - her Dad's Cabin  

Kate along side her brothers and Dad the day they were putting in the dock   


At our store in Canton, TX: Kate and Jason Witten, Dallas Cowboy #82   

That's Kate! 

Kate is at her best when you need her the most.  She loves to swoop in and organize anything from shelves in the stock room to the work space around the counter to our offices and filing systems.  She's my right hand girl when it comes to Canton.  You might find her standing behind the counter ringing up sales, sitting on the floor organizing displays or high on a ladder taking down signs or hanging a light fixture made from chicken feeders.  

She's one in a million and we're happy she's on our side.


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